Standard Library Concerns (Phobos / Tango)

downs default_357-line at
Wed Feb 6 06:57:53 PST 2008

Tim Burrell wrote:
> Hey all,
> It seems that even though Phobos is open source, it's difficult for
> people to contribute to.  Patch submissions aren't being accepted as
> readily as they should be, and bugs remain even months after having a
> fix submitted by users.
> Not to mention that it's confusing for new users to have to deal with
> two standard libraries.  I think it would be a really good thing for the
> language as a whole if there were only one standard library.
> My personal opinion is that Walter should let go of Phobos and adopt
> Tango as the official standard library.

Vote in favor, not that it matters.

I prefer Phobos' structure to Tango, however it remains a simple fact that Tango is technically superior and better maintained. I'm sick of running into Phobos bugs and limitations while trying to make my code work. The only thing holding me back from switching is that Phobos is, for better or worse, the _standard library_. If Walter dropped it for Tango(bos), I'd be a very happy critter indeed.

 --downs, pessimistic

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