resize problem with arrays of arrays?

wade swadenator at
Wed Feb 6 07:17:47 PST 2008

Hi all,

Many apologies if this is the wrong forum, but I noticed that nobody has responded to this in the issues forum (issue #929) for over six months.

I'm getting odd behavior with DMD 1.026 on both windows and linux when I attempt to resize an array of arrays as in:

import std.stdio;

int main(char [][] args)
  fwritef(stderr, "starting...\n");
  int[int][] stacks;
  stacks.length = 30;
  fwritef(stderr, "done...\n");
  return 0;

This code never gets to the "done..." writef.  I'm sure I'm probably doing something wrong (newbie), but any help or advice would be appreciated.



PS, despite some hiccups, it's been a real pleasure to write some code in D... definitely much nicer than c++!

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