Standard Library Concerns (Phobos / Tango)

Tim Burrell tim at
Thu Feb 7 17:04:52 PST 2008

Jesse Phillips wrote:
> I would like to express why I think Walter is silent in the matter. The 
> standard library would be a big change. This is to say there are a lot of 
> people that stick with the library that comes with the compiler. A switch 
> of the standard lib would cause a ripple effect that would disturb those 
> that don't use Tango. While this is doable it is not something to hastily 
> do.

You're right a lot of people do stick with the lib that comes with the 
compiler, and that's precisely why this issue is so important.  The fact 
that Phobos isn't being actively maintained is also likely to cause a 
ripple effect -- this is an issue, that if left undealt with, could be 
something that ends up making or breaking D as a mainstream language.

And, don't forget that even if a switch to Tango were to occur, it could 
be done so that it doesn't disturb users of the Phobos API!

Agreed though, that it's not something that should be done hastily, or 
without much consideration.  I have my opinion on the matter, but all I 
really want is to push the issue enough to ensure that Walter knows that 
a good majority of the community believes something needs to happen 
here, and that this is an issue that needs addressing.

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