Returning large structs == bad

downs default_357-line at
Fri Feb 15 06:50:56 PST 2008

I ran a comparison of struct vector methods vs freestanding, and the GDC generated assembler code is precisely identical.

Here's my test source

struct foo {
  double x, y, z;
  void opAddAssign(ref foo bar) {
    x += bar.x; y += bar.y; z += bar.z;

void foo_add(ref foo bar, ref foo baz) {
  baz.x += bar.x; baz.y += bar.y; baz.z += bar.z;

// prevents overzealous optimization
// really just returns 0, 0, 0
extern(C) foo complex_external_function();

import std.stdio;
void main() {
  foo a = complex_external_function(), b = complex_external_function();
  asm { int 3; }
  a += b;
  asm { int 3; }
  foo c = complex_external_function(), d = complex_external_function();
  asm { int 3; }
  foo_add(d, c);
  asm { int 3; }
  writefln(a, b, c, d);

And here are the relevant two bits of assembler.

	int	$3
	fldl	-120(%ebp)
	faddl	-96(%ebp)
	fstpl	-120(%ebp)
	fldl	-112(%ebp)
	faddl	-88(%ebp)
	fstpl	-112(%ebp)
	fldl	-104(%ebp)
	faddl	-80(%ebp)
	fstpl	-104(%ebp)

	int	$3
	fldl	-72(%ebp)
	faddl	-48(%ebp)
	fstpl	-72(%ebp)
	fldl	-64(%ebp)
	faddl	-40(%ebp)
	fstpl	-64(%ebp)
	fldl	-56(%ebp)
	faddl	-32(%ebp)
	fstpl	-56(%ebp)

No difference. But then why the obvious speed difference? Color me confused ._.


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