Other language features you'd want in D

Clay Smith clayasaurus at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 19:38:35 PST 2008

Denton Cockburn wrote:
> What are some features found in other languages that you believe would be
> really good to have in D?
> These can be language features or library features.
> It shouldn't be any of the general items found in the comparison FAQ (like
> Multiple inheritance).  Something that's relatively nice and specific.
> e.g.
> I miss multiple value returns found in Lisp.  Out parameters are not
> nearly as nice.
> P.S. Has anyone thought to write a document on some of the struct tricks
> that I've been seeing mentioned?  They exploit struct features, but I
> think only a select few understand them.

For me, I feel that D 2.0 or 3.0 will become a dreaded kitchen sink of 

Rather, I like to think about what features should be kept out of the 

I appreciate language elegance and simplicity because it helps create 
more maintainable code, and as one of D's original goals, it helps make 
writing a compiler easier. However, with D 2.0 etc. writing a D compiler 
is no longer an easy task. Probably still easier than C++, but C++ is a 
freak hybrid language.

I don't really care about super-meta-macro-templates or constness... 
although there does seem to be an elite few who love abusing the 
compiler and that's pretty amusing to see their codes... at least

/me thinks of Tom S. ;0

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