Syntactic Sugar for Virtual Constructors?

Christopher Wright dhasenan at
Fri Feb 29 19:17:42 PST 2008

Janice Caron wrote:
> On 29/02/2008, Christopher Wright <dhasenan at> wrote:
>>  class Derived : AbstractBaseClass
>>  {
>>     static this ()
>>     {
>>        builders["whatever"] = { return new Derived1(); };
>>     }
>>  }
> Again, that would require the factory function to have compile-time
> knowledge of derived classes, which is precisely the thing to avoid.

You could try reading the code you're commenting on :P though there was 
a typo, I admit.

It was the derived class adding a delegate to a static array in the base 
class. The base class doesn't, technically speaking, know anything about 
any derived classes, and you don't get any of that circular dependency 

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