Translate C++ to D

Luca Lupo luca.lupo at
Thu Jan 10 11:53:25 PST 2008

I would like to thank all the answers, you are very available. Now I have to start converting the files. Cpp and I hope that you can continue to help.

This is the first file: observer.cpp, any suggestions?


using namespace std;



SubscriberG::SubscriberG(string a){
     indirizzo_e_mail_G = a;

SubscriberS::SubscriberS(string a,string b){
     indirizzo_e_mail_S = a;
     name_author = b;

void Observer::Update(Subject* b)

void Subscriber::Update(Subject* b)

void SubscriberS::Update(Subject* b){
     if (name_author == ((Blog *)b)->GetAuthor()){
        cout<<"Subscriber tipo S->"<<"Name blog: "<<((Blog *)b)->GetName()<<endl;
        ((Blog *)b)->GetTitle();
        ((Blog *)b)->GetText();
        cout<<"Autore Ultimo Post :"<<((Blog *)b)->GetAuthor();

void SubscriberG::Update(Subject* b){
     cout<<"Subscriber tipo G->"<<"Name blog: "<<((Blog *)b)->GetName()<<endl;
     ((Blog *)b)->GetTitle();
     ((Blog *)b)->GetLine();
     cout<<"Autore Ultimo Post :"<<((Blog *)b)->GetAuthor();


import std.string;
import Subject

Observer::~this() //distructor for observer

Observer::this() // costructor for observer

SubscriberG::this(string a) //contructor for subscriberG
{indirizzo_e_mail_G = a;}

SubscriberS::this(string a,string b) //contructor for subscriberS
    indirizzo_e_mail_S = a;
    name_author = b;

void Observer::Update(Subject* b) //it's equal? for me yes!

void Subscriber::Update(Subject* b) //it's equal? for me yes!

void SubscriberS::Update(Subject* b) //Help??
    if(name_author == ((Blog *)b)->GetAuthor()){
cout<<"Subscriber tipo S->"<<"Name blog: "<<((Blog *)b)->GetName()<<endl;
((Blog *)b)->GetTitle();
((Blog *)b)->GetText();
cout<<"Autore Ultimo Post :"<<((Blog *)b)->GetAuthor();

void SubscriberG::Update(Subject* b) //Help??
cout<<"Subscriber tipo G->"<<"Name blog: "<<((Blog *)b)->GetName()<<endl;
((Blog *)b)->GetTitle();
((Blog *)b)->GetLine();
cout<<"Autore Ultimo Post :"<<((Blog *)b)->GetAuthor();

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