Parallel Install

Sean Kelly sean at
Wed Jan 23 16:46:19 PST 2008

Unknown W. Brackets wrote:
> On Windows, this is easy.  I have it setup so I can type a single command to switch between dmd1 and dmd2.  This is common practice with Linux as well; I believe it's called "gcc-config"?

On Windows, I just install DMD 1.0 to /dmd and DMD 2.0 to /dmd2, and
rename the DMD 2.0 executable to dmd2.exe.  Both /bin directories are in
my path, and I can call either as needed, so building against 1.0 is:

    dmd myapp.d

And building against 2.0 is:

    dmd2 myapp.d

This may not be ideal for a production setup, but it's just fine for
testing and such.


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