Python dictionary inspired hash table implementation

Manfred_Nowak svv1999 at
Fri Jul 4 12:45:47 PDT 2008

Moritz Warning wrote:

> The tests for the build-in AA had to be started ten times since
> the test loop causes out of memory problems. The effect on the
> test result should be negligible.

No. You should reduce the number of operations to 7_500_000.

Sorrily the PyDict seems to be bad suited for adresses out of the 2G-
range. My tests show, that the builtin AA only needs 45% of the time of 

To verify this on your machine set

  ttotal= 512*1024*1024; // 512 MB

and replace "rand()" by "rand() << 2",

which effectively gives 4 byte alligned adresses out of the 2G range.


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