When D is not nice

Leandro Lucarella llucax at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 09:34:14 PDT 2008

superdan, el  6 de julio a las 18:12 me escribiste:
> > Those are the cases I find D not nice.
> yarp i concur. phobos oughtta have a function asStr that converts everything to string and concats. then you write:
> auto x = asStr("You pressed button ", i, " with your pinky toe");

That sounds like a poor's man version of the python's built-in
formatting capabilities:

x = "You pressed button %d with your pinky toe" % i

Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo: http://www.mazziblog.com.ar/blog/
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Dale tu mano al mono, pero no el codo, dado que un mono confianzudo es
	-- Ricardo Vaporeso. La Reja, Agosto de 1912.

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