Wish: Variable Not Used Warning

BCS ao at pathlink.com
Wed Jul 9 12:16:43 PDT 2008

Reply to Steven,

> "Walter Bright" wrote
>> The reason for treating warnings as errors when warnings are enabled
>> is so that, for a long build, they don't scroll up and off your
>> screen and go unnoticed.
> I've been following this thread, and I'm not really sure which side of
> the issue I'm on, but this, sir, is one of the worst explanations for
> a feature. Ever heard of 'less'?  or 'more' on Windows?  Maybe piping
> to a file?  Maybe using an IDE that stores all the warnings/errors for
> you?
> Please stop saving poor Mr. ignorant programmer from himself.
> Education is the key to solving this problem, not catering to the
> ignorance.
> Sorry for the harshness, but seriously!
> -Steve

I think grep is more useful there. I have a few builds that have several 
pages of output on a successful build and I sometimes miss even the errors.

(I once had an error that didn't even fit in the scroll back buffer, but 
that was just a bit nuts ;)

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