Wish: Variable Not Used Warning

Manfred_Nowak svv1999 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 10 02:01:25 PDT 2008

JAnderson wrote:

> The more warnings as errors the better.  If I have to suffer a
> little for false positives *shrug*

What do you understand by "a little"?

Please look at the example from 

Do you recognize how many warnings a lint tool might emit on that code?
Would you admit then, that a paranoic lint would be quite useless, even 
if it detects that the variable `p' should be accessed? Would you 
admit, that you yourself are unable to decide whether the presence of 
some access statements to `p' should suppress the warning?

My understanding of lint tools is, that they incorporate a collection 
of programming patterns together with a fuzzy recognition algorithm. If 
there are enough hits for a specific pattern, but it is still only 
partial implemented, then warnings are generated. Under this the 
primary question is: what is so special to the collection of 
programming patterns that they can be formalized into a lint tool but 
not be used as paradigms in the source language?


Maybe some knowledge of some types of disagreeing and their relation
can turn out to be useful:

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