Wish: Variable Not Used Warning

Markus Koskimies markus at reaaliaika.net
Thu Jul 10 13:18:02 PDT 2008

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 10:10:49 -0700, Era Scarecrow wrote:

> //returns true/flase if a prime.
> bool isPrime(int number, int[] primesList) {
> 	int cnt;
> 	bool prime = true;
> 	primesList = null;	//disable for now.
>                               //When fully implimented, remove
> 	if (primesList)	//gives an error since it never executes,
>                       //but logic is there. 
>       {
> 		foreach (pnum; primesList)
> 		{
> 		//finish later
> 		}
> 	}
> 	else
> 		for (cnt = 2; cnt < number; cnt++)
> 			if (number % cnt == 0)
> 				prime=false;
> 	return prime;
> }

Hmmh, if I would do something like that, I would do it like this:

bool isPrime(int number, int[] /* primesList */)
	bool prime = true;

	static if(false)
		// Partial implementation; should still be
		// syntactically valid D
		foreach(pnum; primesList) { ... }
		for(int cnt = 2; ...) { ... }

	return prime;

In fact, I wouldn't even put that list scanning part there, if I'm 
working with the loop there. Even when I'm just sketching code, I try to 
avoid large numbers of unused and incomplete parts there; I mainly sketch 
the interface, and start from core parts to put things together.

>  Being partially implimented, i don't really want to comment out large
>  areas of my code, since i want to know if i wrote it wrong, or right.

Yeah, I don't like large out-commented blocks either. But I normally 
write the code in pieces, so at that case I would first implement that 
loop and only slightly - if at all - touch to that primesList part.

This easily goes to a discussion about how to sketch code, and I try to 
avoid that. I still see no use to allow unused vars & members and dead 
code, since they are regularly easily work-arounded in D during sketching 
phase, and you don't want them to be there at the end.

>  I'll in the middle of my project, make sure all my block
>  openings/closings are good, and then compile the code, which i will
>  never run but instead i use the errors and warnings to find certain
>  bugs and simple problems earlier, rather then do an entire file and
>  then trace all the bugs all at once.

That's exactly the same way I work with the code. I keep adding blocks 
and continuously compile to see, if there are warnings or errors. If 
there would be a situation like above, and I would be just added that 
list scanning part but being still unsure if it works, I would add there 
an assert or similar to catch the program immediately if it goes there;

bool isPrime(int number, int[] primeList)
		assert(false); // Don't go here at the moment
		foreach(pnum; primeList) { ... }
		for(int cnt; ...;) if(!(number%cnt)) return false;
		return true;

But anyway, if I would starting to make that part, the build-stoppable 
warnings about unused code and similar would not be a big issue any more, 
since I would not be executing the program until I get the errors & 
warnings away.

>  Or am i doing it wrong?

I don't think so, but I feel that warnings and code sketching are not 
mutually exclusive things :D

Anyway, I surfed in the net and found some writings about warnings and D. 
I'll quote here two things;

Walter Bright about Redundancy in Programming Languages: "You can get a 
feel for where redundancy in a language is lacking by looking at warning 
diagnostics the compiler implementors tend to add over time. For the 
designer of a new language, common warnings are a rich source of 
inspiration for improvements."


D 2.0 Overview, "Who D is Not For"; "Language purists. D is a practical 
language, and each feature of it is evaluated in that light, rather than 
by an ideal."


Warnings may indicate imperfectness in language design, but from 
practical point of view I would accept that and add all practical 
warnings, although my aim would get rid of them in the future.

>  Still learning D, i've seen references of static if's but i haven't
>  read enough on it yet.

Static if is something like #if-#endif in C/C++, but since it is in the 
compiler, it knows all about the constants & types in the code (unlike C 
preprocessor) \o/

>> if you have an expression:
>> 	for(...; (a + b) < 8; ...) { ... }
>> ...if the compiler recognizes, that the condition cannot never be
>> anything else than true or false, do you think it is intentional?
>  if it was truely intentional, then wouldn't you do..?

Assume, that (a+b) is always smaller than 8, which causes infinite loop. 
The compiler is able to know that. If the programmer was intentionally 
making an infinite loop, why didn't he use "for(;;)" or "while(true)"? If 
the compiler gives an error, that the expression is always true, I think 
there are two possibilities:

1) The programmer was checking out how smart is the compiler, by 
expressing an infinite loop in a hard way; to get the code compiled, he 
should change it to regular "for(;;)" or "while(true)".

2) The programmer didn't notice, that the values he was using are never 
evaluated greater than the intended loop termination condition. He re-
examines the code and probably finds something that he was missing in the 
first attempt (forgot to add some other value, forgot to change the loop 
termination condition, ...)

Win-win -situation, isn't that?

>  if it wasn't intentional, then you were trying to actually check for
>  something.

Exactly. That's why I like error-like warnings, that won't pass through 
suspicious parts.

>> > while(1)    //always true
>> > {
>> >     if (someCondition){
>> >         break;
>> >     }
>> > }
>> The same hold here; "while(true)",
>> "for(;;)" are intentionally written to be infinite loops. I regularly
>> define in C/C++:
> those are truely intentional, a contition should actually have a chance
> to change and be true/false at different steps, correct?

>From this point on, I don't any more use the word warning. Instead I use 
the word error. I'm not speaking about "Variable Not Used *Warning*", but 
instead of "Variable Not Used *Error*" and "Unreachable Statement 

Yes, right. Of course, compiler should not give any kind of warning if 
the loop is clearly intentionally made infinite, or if the condition is 
clearly intentionally made constant:

	while(true) ...		// No error
	if(true) ...		// No error

	auto a=file.getSize("myfile.txt");	// ulong
	while( a != -1) ...	// Error

In fact, I would change the default behavior of the compiler so that it 
uses all warnings and regards them as errors. For testing out incomplete 
code, a "--cmon-relax" flag could be used :)

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