Walter did yo realy go Ohhhh?

Georg Wrede georg at
Wed Jun 18 15:06:58 PDT 2008

PatrickD wrote:

I've read a number of his previous rants, and I've generally found them 
interesting, informative, and thought provoking. Sometimes even 
entertaining. This one was an exception.

> <Steve Yegge> He told me the other day, [talking about] one of my
> blog rants, that he didn't agree with the point that I'd made that
> virtual machines are "obvious". You know? I mean, of course you use a
> virtual machine!
> But he's a compiler dude, and he says they're a sham, they're a
> farce, "I don't get it!" And so I explained it [my viewpoint] to him,
> and he went: Ohhhhhhh. </Steve Yegge>

The above story, and the fact that he goes on ranting irrespective of 
the slide sequence, the fact that he blatantly generalizes, derides, 
self-promotes, the fact that the transcript includes the superfluous 
interjections from spoken language, that he cavalierly exaggerates, and 
some other details -- collectively lead me to think he's, ehhh, in an 
"accelerated state of mind".

There are basically a few different ways to achieve that state of mind 
(of which I'm not suggesting any, I'm merely enumerating the most usual 
ones here).

  - A speed trip.
  - The upper phase of bipolar syndrome.
  - A state of mind that can be deliberately achieved through repeated 
self-assertion and self-excitement.
  - The pre-onset stage of a nervous breakdown.
  - A basically "God, I'm good" mindset.

Now, I'm not saying it's any of these, but it sure looks like it. But 
enough of that.


What especially made me glad here was (yet another) "subliminal" 
advertisement for D. At least we get exposure.

PS, well, most of his blog readers are intelligent-wannabes, 
professional programmer-wannabes, and the readership of his blogs must 
be immense. The more controversial the blog, the more readers you get. A 
littel like tabloids, where you know that "The President escapes death" 
on the front page translates to "he almost stepped on a bee that could 
have stung him". Just take them with a truckload of salt. But D being 
mentioned there gets a lot of eyeballs. And the D related stuff was 
written with obvious respect for D! One really couldn't ask for anything 

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