Feature Request - Raw HTML in ddoc comments

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 15:54:50 PST 2008

Janice Caron wrote:
> You see, the problem is, I have no control whatsoever over Phobos's
> build process. When Walter does a release, he just types "make", and
> all of the source files, std.xml.d included, get built with the exact
> same command line options. I can't change that. And I /certainly/
> don't want to go messing around with the makefile or fiddling with
> what ddoc does. That's /way/ outside my area. Therefore, I cannot
> influence 1, 2, 3, or 4.

This, then, appears to be a problem with your relationship with Walter 
or more likely your laziness/insistence on not using the *FOUR* 
different mechanisms provided to you. The solution to this problem is 
not to suggest a completely different documentation style.

While I'm sure everyone is appreciative of your HTML-to-Ddoc converter, 
many people (including alter it seems) are perfectly happy with Ddoc, 
and you've failed to make a convincing argument showing something that 
HTML can do that Ddoc can't.

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