DDoc and @comments

BCS ao at pathlink.com
Mon Mar 3 22:00:01 PST 2008

Reply to ty,

> Either way what should come out is a copy of what goes in
> It goes in with a line break and it comes out without one.

To address that point directly: what is a line break? ("define sex...", OK 
bad joke, shame on me) Because the input is text, the users will often manually 
line wrap text. How should DDoc detect cases of line breaks that should be 
translated vs. manual line wrapping that should not? The answer is that what 
ever rule you propose, someone can come up with a reasonable cases where 
it's wrong. To make DDoc even work exactly correct in /most/ cases would 
make it almost as complex as the code parts of D (and even harder to use).

The proper answer IMHO (and Walter's it would seem) is that DDoc should be 
as minimally complex as possible. If it eats the input and produces something 
/passable/ as output, it's good enough. If someone needs more, they should 
look for something else because that's not what DDoc's for. But that's just 
my opinion.

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