std.algorithm - notes

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Wed Mar 5 04:10:59 PST 2008

bearophile wrote:
> Few comments to the std.algorithm of D 2.0 by Andrei Alexandrescu:

> - I think most of it can be backported to D 1.0.

If you'd like check-in rights for the std2 project on Dsource, let me know.

> - Instead of defining map, filter, etc, I think a Python list comphrension is better, cleaner, simpler to read, etc.

Now you've lost me.  You're telling Andrei he should write a library 
using features that don't exist in D?

> - inPlace(): in other languages it's called map!(), so it may be called inMap, or mapBang, etc.

inPlace sounds a lot more obvious to me.  Python sometimes uses 
***_update().  InPlace seems even more readily understandable than that.


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