Who favors the current D1 situation?

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Fri Mar 7 03:28:00 PST 2008

Walter Bright wrote:
> You can write bug-free and perfectly correct programs without const or 
> invariant at all. But once a code base exceeds a certain level of size 
> and complexity (and I don't know what that level is), const/invariant 
> will become increasingly valuable. People who do work in large 
> corporations managing extremely large codebases with legions of 
> programmers working on them have made this abundantly clear to me.

Yes, they believe they need it.  Sure.  But I doubt many of them have 
done any sort of analysis of how much it actually helps vs. how much it 
complicates their code base.  I say this as someone who was totally sold 
on C++ const for the first 10 years I used it.

Now I'm kind of used to not having it.  And, well, the sky hasn't 
fallen.  But lots of my code has lost superfluous redundancy.

But I'm going to start trying to compile my code with D2 this weekend 
and see how it goes.  Hopefully const will mostly stay out of my way.


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