Why I (Still) Won't Use D

Ary Borenszweig ary at esperanto.org.ar
Thu Mar 27 12:23:52 PDT 2008

Benji Smith wrote:
> e-t172 wrote:
>> Benji Smith a écrit :
>>> I also would have preferred to have growable arrays and associative 
>>> arrays in the standard library than in the language.
>>>   // Would be ideal. Growable arrays would be best implemented as a
>>>   // templatized collection class.
>>>   List!(String) words = [ "hello, "world" ];
>> Did you read http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/builtin.html ?
> Yeah, and while there are some good points to consider there, think 
> about this...
> The d language includes 3 different kinds of containers:
> * Fixed-size immutable lists of immutable values (aka, static arrays)
> * Growable im/mutable lists, of im/mutable values (aka, dynamic arrays)
> * Growable im/mutable maps, with hashed buckets, backed
>     by red-black-trees (aka. associative arrays).
> What about all the other types of containers?

Exactly the same thought here.

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