Small feature request

Kevin Bealer kevinbealer at
Sat Mar 29 11:17:40 PDT 2008

Koroskin Denis Wrote:

> Look at this class.
> class Buffer
> {
>      private int bufferSize = 4096;
>      private void[bufferSize.init] buffer = void;
> }
> What's the capacity of buffer upon object construction?
> I expect that buffer.length == 4096, since bufferSize == 4096, but get  
> buffer.length == 0, since bufferSize.init == int.init.
> It works not as expected and confuses a little. Do I have any chanse this  
> will be fixed anytime, or is it intended?

I think this is intended, but you can do this:

class Buffer {
    typedef int BufSize_t = 4096;
    BufSize_t bufsize;
    char[BufSize_t.init] buffer;

The code in both cases seems confusing, since you could just use:

class Buffer {
    char[4096] buffer;

It's a static buffer so the size can't change in any case.


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