A time-delayed plan for renaming const flavors

Paul D Anderson paul.d.anderson.removethis at comcast.andthis.net
Sun Mar 30 10:01:33 PDT 2008

Janice Caron Wrote:

> I don't know whether or not an eight stage transition is better than
> an "overnight" change of everything all at once, but at least this
> way, changes that break code will always give a compile error, and the
> steps needed to fix things will be simple and straightforward at each
> stage.
> Thoughts?

I'm agnostic toward the "overnight" vs. "phased in" issue, but I agree with the assumption that the const question is settled except for nomenclature/syntax. I think Walter's FAQ make it clear that transitive const is the way forward in his view (which I agree with).

That said, we've gone around and around on terminology. I don't mind the current usage, though I dislike the extension of 'enum' for manifest constants. But I'd really like to settle the question, wherever it ends up.


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