Removing D embedded in HTML feature

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Sun Mar 30 13:42:19 PDT 2008

Walter Bright Wrote:
> Scott suggested this be removed for D 2.0. Is anyone at all using it, or 
> have plans to use it, or can make a good case for keeping it?

- I like the idea of literate programming, where you can put the code between comments. I have seen many tutorials on Haskell where you can compile the page, that is filled with textual (html) explanations.
- But I think there can be ways to do something similar "out" of the compiler. We can think about this (little) problem right now.
- There is something that currently is missing from the compiler that is about 1000 times more useful than that D embedded in HTML feature, that is the basic functionality of the "bud" program, that is the compiler to find by itself the modules to compile.
- Probably there are other features currently present in D that people may be glad to drop, you can ask people to list them :-)


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