
Janice Caron caron800 at
Thu May 1 11:49:31 PDT 2008

On 01/05/2008, Spacen Jasset <spacenjasset at> wrote:
>  I think uppercasing non ascii (english) characters is a more of specialised
> business anyway (some languages have no notion of upper case, and yet others
> depend on context), which often should be perfomed by a presentation layer.

The Unicode Standard defines casing unambiguously for all characters.
Yes, toupper() of a Chinese character will leave it unchanged, but
it's still defined, and that is /not/ locale dependent.

However, casing in place is possible for UTF-8 if you're prepared to
throw an exception for those (extremely rare) cases when the sequence
length changes. So that means, you'd need two versions, the in-place

    toUpperInPlace(char[] s)  // might throw

and the general version

    char[] toUpper(const(char)[] s, char[] buffer=null)

That could be done

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