Static strings in templates

Janice Caron caron800 at
Fri May 2 01:55:07 PDT 2008

I don't know if this is a bug or not. Someone please help me out.
Here's the deal. Suppose I declare:

    int foo(T)(T s, T t)

with the expectation that the template will be passed a couple of
strings, wstrings or dstring. All works fine if I do

    string s;
    string t;
    int n = foo(s,t);

However, the template can't be instantiated with

    int n = foo("abcde","fg");

because the type of the first argument is invariant(char)[5u], and the
type of the second argument is invariant(char)[2u], and the compiler
can't figure out that both can (and should) be implicitly cast to

It occurs to me that even with only a single parameter, passing string
literals to templated string function will lead to a lot of template
bloat, if the template always considers the argument type to be
invariant(char)[N] (for some N), as opposed to simply

Is this a bug? Can anything be done about this? Is there a workaround?

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