"multi morphic" classes

BCS BCS at pathlink.com
Fri May 2 11:21:35 PDT 2008

pragma wrote:
> That in turn opens the door for a kind of AOP 

It's neat that it could get that. I had some nebulous thoughts in that 
direction but don't known enough about it to really comment.

I think programming for that would result in some interesting code (LOTS 
of SMALL methods).

> Anyway, by implementing the a vtbl in plain code, you have the ability 
> to manipulate it on the fly.  Were each instance allowed to have it's 
> own personal copy of that table, all kinds of modifications become 
> possible.

I wasn't really thinking of vtbl per instance but that would provide 
some interesting effects. I guess with the right construct you could 
take any object and, on the fly, replace it's vtbl with a copy and then 
muck around to your harts content.

After thinking a bit more I think the privative that woulds be needed 
would work something like this

// get a "type structure" that is a copy
auto tmp = this.dynamic_typeof.dup;

// set members
tmp.methoud!(bar) = (int i)
		writef("bar called with %d\n", i)

		// get the old memebers
		return tmp.methoud!(bar)(i);

// set the instances type
this.dynamic_typeof = tmp;

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