Runtine Library Loading?

Lars Ivar Igesund larsivar at
Sat May 17 11:35:37 PDT 2008

Andrew Wiley wrote:

> One thing that would be very handy for a project I'm about to undertake
> would be runtine libray loading. In C, I could use dlopen() and its
> related functions to load a DLL and call functions in it. In C++, it
> was... sketchy and I never really used it in much detail. Can D do this?
> This would be a linux only project, and from what I've read, this sort of
> thing tends to work more on linux. I could stick to C functions if
> necessary, but that would give little benefit from just using straight C.
> The structure of the project would just be an executable that would load
> up libraries and call functions in them. All classes used in arguments
> between libraries would be defined in the executable. The libraries would
> follow a standardized interface.

Tango has tango.sys.SharedLibrary for this.

Lars Ivar Igesund
blog at
DSource, #d.tango & #D: larsivi
Dancing the Tango

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