Several segmentation faults

downs default_357-line at
Wed May 28 21:50:42 PDT 2008

Josh wrote:
> Has anyone had segmentation faults running the tutorials?  This segfaults on my computer (Ubuntu 8.04) using dgc.  It's taken from one of the tutorials, but several similar tutorials also fail.  
> import std.stdio;
> int magicNumber = 42;
> char[] password = "sesame";
> void main() {
>   writefln("Magic number: ", magicNumber);
>   writefln("Password: ", password);
> }

All I can say is there is nothing in there that I could possibly imagine segfaulting.

Ergo it has to be a problem with your system. If you have too much free time, try to build GDC from sources.

Out of curiosity, could you gdb the crashing program?


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