class scope virtual template functions

janderson askme at
Fri May 30 08:04:46 PDT 2008

Chris Wright wrote:
> janderson wrote:
>> You could use a functor/proxy type thing.  That is return a separate 
>> object for each class level that has opCall overloaded.  The opCall 
>> could be templated.  The functor object probably could be generalized 
>> so that you could use it in any case you needed a virtual function (it 
>> could callback its owner by template or maybe delegate).
> I don't understand this. You seem to be suggesting moving the template 
> to a functor and having inheritors of the original class return a 
> different functor. But unless that functor is virtual, you simply can't 
> do that. You'd need to call a different method for each inheritor, or 
> you'd need inheritance with the functors. The former is not virtual; the 
> latter simply returns us to the original problem.

Something like:

class A
   templateCallback()() {} //template
   TemplateMaker Templet() { return new TemplateMaker(this, 
templateCallbackFunc); }

class A : B
   templateCallback2()() {} //template
   TemplateMaker Templet() { return new TemplateMaker(this, 
templateCallbackFunc2); }

Then the templateMaker would be:

class TemplateMaker(class, callback) //Functor/proxy
    TemplateMaker(class, callback) { record of stuff ... }

    void opCall(T...)(T arg) { recordedclass->recoredcallback(arg); }

Call it like:


//Might simplify to due to D's magic property stuff

Something like that. Haven't tried it so don't know what massaging would 
be needed and if it would work.


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