Escape Analysis on reddit

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Sat Nov 1 03:58:21 PDT 2008

On 2008-10-31 23:51:45 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu 
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at> said:

>> The problem is, unless you allow fully specifying dependencies, there 
>> is going to be ways people call functions that you didn't think of, 
>> which are legitimate designs, and just can't be done with your new 
>> regime.  The ultimate result is either people cast around the system, 
>> don't use the system, or end up allocating unecessarily on the heap to 
>> work around it.
> It all depends on how often those cases are encountered.

Tell me how often you encounter a function that swap two variables then.

Basically, it's implemented like this:

	void swap(scope ref int a, scope ref int b)
		int tmp = a;
		a = b; b = tmp;

All fine, no reference is escaping. Now change the parameters for 
pointers or object references. You could naively implement it like this 
for pointers:

	void swap(scope ref int* a, scope ref int* b)
		scope int* tmp = a;
		a = b; b = tmp;

But if swap compiles like this, it's dangerous because the scope for *a 
may be different from the scope for *b and you may leak a pointer to a 
narrower scope in a broader one. For instance:

	// broader scope (global)
	int a = 1;
	int* pa = &a;

	void test()
		// narrower scope (local)
		int b = 2;
		int* pb = &b;
		swap(pa, pb); // should be an error

Here, swap(pa, pb), if allowed, would attempt to put a pointer to the 
local variable b into the global variable pa. After the function 
returns, pointer pa becomes invalid. To avoid this, you need the 
signature for swap to tell you a more complext scope constrain. Using 
Robert Jacques's suggested notation, I think it should be like:

	void swap(scope ref int* a, scope ref int* b)
		if ((*a).scope <= b.scope && (*b).scope <= a.scope)
		scope int* tmp = a;
		a = b; b = tmp;

Basically, if you're giving b a pointer to the value pointed by a, the 
value pointed by a needs to be alive as long or longer than b if you 
want to avoid having b point to invalid memory. Same for a and the 
value pointed by b.

Robert's notation is good for expressing that in the function 
signature, but I don't like it because it places constrains on the 
signature, not on the type, making constrains propagation a lot more 

So I've been thinking of this notation:

	void swap(scopeof(b*) ref int* a, scopeof(*a) ref int* b)
		scopeof(b) int* tmp = a;
		a = b; b = tmp;

Note that tmp here needs to be scopeof(a): this guarenties that 
whatever you put in tmp, you can copy in b later (since scopeof(a) == 

Oh, and if you don't about the type of tmp, including the scoping 
constrains, you should be allowed to substitute it all with "auto":

	void swap(scopeof(b*) ref int* a, scopeof(*a) ref int* b)
		auto tmp = a;
		a = b; b = tmp;

 - - -

That's enough for the swap function. Now lets take a look at a plain 
setter function, which, I'm pretty sure, is a common pattern.

Let's try this first:

	struct S
		int *pi;

	void setPI(scope S s, scope int* pi)
		s.pi = pi;

Simple enough you think? But we have the same problem: the scope of the 
value pointed by pi may be narrower than the one s is in:

	S s1; // global scope
	int i1;
	void test()
		int i2;
		S s2;
		setPI(s1, &i1); // ok, i1 same scope as s1.pi.
		setPI(s2, &i1); // ok, i1 is of a broader scope than s2.pi.
		setPI(s1, &i2); // should be an error, i2 scope narrower than s1.pi.
		setPI(s2, &i2); // ok, i2 is same scope as s2.pi.

To enforce correctly the constrains while still allowing the usage of 
s2 above, where the second argument given to the setter may be a local 
variable, here's what we need:

	struct S
		scope int *pi;

	void setPI(scope S s, scopeof(s.pi) int* pi)
		s.pi = pi;

"scope int *pi" in the struct means you can't take the value pointed to 
by pi and keep it beyond S's scope. "scopeof(s.pi) int* pi" in the 
function signature means that the scope of the value pointed to by the 
second argument is at least as broad as the given scope for s.pi.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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