The Next Big Language

Bill Baxter wbaxter at
Fri Nov 14 13:53:06 PST 2008

On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 6:48 AM, Julio César Carrascal Urquijo
<jcarrascal at> wrote:
> Hello Alexander,
>> Julio César Carrascal Urquijo wrote:
>>> Steve Yegge's latest article has a ratter nice quote about D:
>>> "D's a really beautiful language. By rights it should be the next
>>> C++. However, C++ programmers won't have it because it's garbage
>>> collected (even though it can be disabled, and even though
>>> Stroustroup himself is now advocating adding garbage collection to
>>> C++). Walter Bright is one hell of a lot smarter than the C++
>>> programmers who won't look at his language, and he has demonstrated
>>> that D is as fast as or faster than C++ and nearly as expressive as
>>> Ruby or Python. It's a secret weapon just waiting to be seized by
>>> some smart company or open-source project."
>> This article is ooolde. :)
> Sorry, I just realized that. I followed a link from DZone and though it was
> a new one, but it was just one I hadn't read.
> So what's the NBL? ECMAScript 2?

Yeh, it was some new version of JavaScript.


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