Contract programming

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Mon Nov 17 13:33:36 PST 2008

Regarding the contract programming, there's this video (found with Lambda the Ultimate) of Contract Programming recently added to the dotnet (note there are WMA and MP4 versions of this video too, but they are hidden in this page, just before comments, under 'downloads'):

They show:
- How to the IDE manages contracts, it seems a good enough way.
- Some static contract checking too, artithmetic exceptions, etc.
- At about 22.08 it says the contract part of the code can call other functions too, but only if they are pure (I think this is a good little thing to enforce in SafeD. I don't know if a warning can be raised in normal D if this is false).
- that contracts are used to automatically generate some documentation too.


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