Custom opCmp for struct array sort

New d-devel at
Fri Nov 28 05:47:00 PST 2008


I am new with D and am stuck with something I hope somebody can help me with it.
I am trying sort an array of paths which can take the two following forms:

/usr                      ---> normal path
/bin=/other/bin     ---> a symlink

When I sort these paths, in the case of symlinks I want to ignore the right hand side and I just use the path before the "=" sign.

The array docs for DMD 2.0, say that can create a structure and create a opCmp function to cutomise the way sort works. I have tried this but calling .sort does not seem to pick-up my custom opCmp.

Any help would be very appreciated. I am including the code below

Thanks a lot

struct Path {
  invariant(char) [] thePath;

  int opCmp(Path p) {
    int pos;
    invariant(char) [] a;
    invariant(char) [] b;
    if( (pos=find(this.thePath, RegExp("="))) > -1 ) {
      a = this.thePath[0 .. pos];
    } else {
      a = this.thePath;
    if( (pos=find(p.thePath, RegExp("="))) > -1 ) {
      b = p.thePath[0 .. pos];
    } else {
      b = p.thePath;
    int cosa = std.string.cmp(a, b);
    writefln( a, " comp ", b, "=", cosa);
    return std.string.cmp(a, b);

int main(char[][] args) {
  char[][][Path] contents;

  Path one;
  one.thePath = "/002=/other_dir";
  contents[one] = cast(char[][])["aa","bb","cc","dd"];

  Path two;
  two.thePath = "/001";
  contents[two] = cast(char[][])["aa","bb","cc","dd"];

  foreach(item; contents.keys.sort) {
    writefln( item.thePath );

  return 0;

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