Nothrow functions

dsimcha dsimcha at
Wed Oct 1 08:15:45 PDT 2008

== Quote from Janderson (ask at's article
> Walter Bright wrote:
> >
> >
> Perhaps now constructors can enforce no-throw.  Functions that have
> throw would have to be handled in that constructor.  Of course we could
> always do this manually, but it might be worth considering making on by
> default for constructors.
> -Joel

Please, please, please, please, *please* no!!!  Anything that is in any way
similar to checked exception Hell in Java does not belong in D.  Nothrow is a
great feature precisely because, by being a contract that is only enforced when
the programmer explicitly asks for it to be, it can be simply ignored in places
where one doesn't want to use it.  Making nothrow the default in constructors
really smacks of Java-style bondage and discipline, and a major reason why I use D
is to avoid such things.  If nothrow is the default *anywhere*, it will lead to
aggravation and error swallowing similar to Java's checked exceptions.

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