shouting versus dotting

Alexander Pánek alexander.panek at
Sat Oct 4 22:31:01 PDT 2008

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Alexander Pánek wrote:
>> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> The problem I see with "!" as a template instantiation is not 
>>> technical. I write a fair amount of templated code and over years the 
>>> "!" did not grow on me at all. I was time and again consoled by 
>>> Walter than one day that will happen, but it never did. I also 
>>> realized that Walter didn't see a problem with it because he writes 
>>> only little template code.
>>> I didn't have much beef with other oddities unique to D. For example, 
>>> I found no problem accommodating binary "~" and I was wondering what 
>>> makes "!" different. I was just looking at a page full of templates 
>>> and it looked like crap.
>>> One morning I woke up with the sudden realization of what the problem 
>>> was: the shouting.
>>> In C, "!" is used as a unary operator. That may seem odd at first, 
>>> but it nevers follows a word so it's tenuous to associate it with the 
>>> natural language "!". In D, binary "!" _always_ follows a word, a 
>>> name, something coming from natural language. So the conotation with 
>>> exclamation jumps at you.
>>> That's why I find the choice of "!" poor. I believe it can impede to 
>>> some extent acquisition of templates by newcomers, and conversely I 
>>> believe that using .() can make templates more palatable. I tried 
>>> using ".()" in my code and in only a couple of days it looked and 
>>> felt way better to me. Based on that experience, I suggest that "!()" 
>>> is dropped in favor of ".()" for template instantiation for D2.
>>> Sean's argument that "The exclamation mark signifies an assertion of 
>>> sorts" is exactly where I'd want templates not to be: they should be 
>>> blended in, not a hiccup from normal code. Serious effort has been, 
>>> and still is, made in D to avoid shell-shocking people about use of 
>>> templates, and I think ".()" would be a good step in that direction.
>> Sean has a point. Templates are not runtime constructs. So a clear 
>> distinction between instantiating a function with a given type and 
>> just calling a function that has fixed argument types and a fixed 
>> return type  is necessary.
> Why? This sounds objective, so you better back it up. Au contraire, I 
> see absolutely, but absolutely no need for a distinction. If it weren't 
> for syntactic difficulties, to me using straight parentheses for 
> template instantiation would have been the perfect choice. (How many 
> times did you just forget the "!"? I know I often do. Why? Because most 
> of the time it's not even needed.)
>> The exclamation mark gives us this clear distinction and has served 
>> well in terms of readability for me, especially because it jumps out — 
>> not because it’s an exclamation mark, thus having a meaning in natural 
>> language, but rather just because of its form. A straight vertical 
>> line with a dot underneath it. That just works perfectly well as 
>> seperator between identifier/type and type argument.
> I believe the clear distinction is not only unnecessary, but 
> undesirable. We should actively fight against it.

IMHO — I forgot that before, so that’s why it might have sounded a bit 
too objective —, the clear distinction is important to keep the code 
self-documenting. It might not be so important in terms of freestanding 
templated functions that might even be simple enough that the argument 
types can be infered, but as soon as something heavily alters the way 
the code and the binary looks like afterwards (CTFE, multiple templated 
class/struct/function instantiates, string mixins created by CTFE 
functions, etc.), it (again, in my truly subjective opinion) deserves to 
be marked as such.

I see this distinction as feature, not as flaw.

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