[OT] Retreating from Iraq

Russell Lewis webmaster at villagersonline.com
Mon Oct 13 12:30:28 PDT 2008

If every superior uses a conference call to talk to his subordinates, 
then the news propagates exactly proportional to the depth of the heirarchy.


Of course, if he has to call all of his subordinates in sequence, then 
things are different...but in that case, we need a measurement for 
"fast."  Are we looking for an algorithm that provides the lowest 
possible maximum time, lowest average, or something else?

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Suppose that a miracle happen and the decision is taken at the highest 
> level to retreat all of US military presence from Iraq. That will take a 
> while, but sending the orders quickly is a must.
> For utmost certainty, all orders are to be sent via phone and down the 
> command chain, and only to direct subordinates. Each officer has a 
> variable number of subordinates. Initially the president calls his 
> immediate subordinates, who call their immediate subordinates, etc. Each 
> call can be assumed to take the same amount of time.
> Devise an algorithm that ensures every foot soldier gets the news as 
> quickly as possible, show it is correct, and show it is fast.
> Andrei

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