defered new feature

downs default_357-line at
Fri Oct 24 03:57:07 PDT 2008

BCS wrote:
> Reply to Downs,
>> class A { this() { this = new B; } this(Bogus) { } } class B : A {
>> this() { super(bogus); /* rest of constructor */ } }
> to bad it doesn't compile :(
>  ->  SEG-V (if you drop the /* */)

gentoo-pc ~ $ cat test113.d && echo "----" && gdc test113.d -o test113 && ./test113
module test113;

typedef bool Bogus;
const Bogus bogus = false;

class A { this() { this = new B; } this(Bogus) { } }
class B : A { this() { super(bogus); /* rest of constructor */ } }

import std.stdio;
void main() { writefln(new A); }
gentoo-pc ~ $

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