CTFE determination?

bmeck bmeck at stedwards.edu
Thu Sep 11 21:14:44 PDT 2008

Hi i was messing around in D2 and noticed that the following always is saying that it is only at runtime even when the input is a constant... was wondering if there was a right way to do this.

import std.stdio;

void main(char[][] args)
	auto ct = test(cast(char[])"123");
	auto rt = test(args[0]);


pure char[] test(char[] src)
//	foo!(src);
	static if(__traits(compiles,foo!(src)/*check for something only available at compile time...*/))
		return ((cast(char[])"argument available at compiletime of '")~src~cast(char[])"'");
		return (cast(char[])"argument available at runtime of '")~src~(cast(char[])"'");

pure template foo(char[] src)
	const uint foo = src.length;

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