Objective-D, reflective programming, dynamic typing

Eljay eljay at adobe.com
Thu Apr 2 08:30:42 PDT 2009

Note that the toy program is just an example, and has a lot of room for improvement.

Ultimately, I would love to have D support reflective programming and dynamic typing in the core language.

Walter and Andrei have been very gracious, and I am amazed and pleased with how D 2.0 is shaping up.  There is plenty on the table for D 2.0 without having the added burden of reflective programming and dynamic typing.

So I do not expect that to happen for D 2.0.  Maybe for D 3.0.  And that is assuming that there is sufficient value to support the paradigms (which I think there is).

In the meantime, maybe a hand-rolled user implementation on top of D 2.0.

Food for thought.

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