Fully dynamic d by opDotExp overloading

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Sat Apr 18 11:49:57 PDT 2009

Walter Bright wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> Daniel Keep wrote:
>>> There's an interesting idea...
>>> Instead of "No member 'foo'", you could have "No member 'foo'; did you
>>> mean 'far' or 'fur'?"
>> Heh. The string kernels in std.numeric 
>> (http://erdani.dreamhosters.com/d/web/phobos/std_numeric.html) are to 
>> help with exactly that.
> I remember, but can't find, some famous programmer posted to the net a 
> simple spell checking algorithm that worked by counting letter 
> additions, deletions, and transpositions to determine best matches.

I don't know who the famous programmer was but it sounds like he was 
referring to one of the edit distances. std.algorithm has an 
implementation of the popular Levenshtein distance.


String kernels go way beyond that because they count the weighted length 
of all gapped substrings common to two strings.


With such a similarity, more subtle errors can be detected.


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