Making Metaprogramming Pleasant and Fun

Chad J chadjoan at
Sun Aug 23 21:25:19 PDT 2009

So I'm seeing this recurring pattern on the newsgroup:

Person 1:  "Hey we should implement feature X!  It'll be awesome!"
Person 2:  "Bah, you can implement that in current D code with mixins:"

< insert example of typical mixin usage in D >

`//blah blah


mixin Foo!(args,
`//blah blah

Person 3:  "That's hideous!  Let's not do it."
(silence or <insert discussion of mixins and ugliness>)
(maybe insert mention of CTFE gobbling up all of your memory and kittens)

As much as I hate to do it, I'm going to be /that/ guy and make another
feature suggestion.  Or 2 or 3.

Suggestion 1:

For any template whose argument list ends with a string argument, such
as this one:

template foo( T, string arg )

... allow it to be instantiated (or mixed in) like so:

    // Some token string.


mixin foo!(T)
    // Some token string.

The contents of the curly braces are treated as a token string, like the
q{ foo + bar } variety, minus the unbalancing q.

This gets us to things like

mixin property!(int,"foo")
    get { return $; }
    set { $ = value; }

Bonus points: generalize it to IFTI functions.

void foo(T, string code)( T arg )

can be called like so:

    // code goes here.

Then use your imagination.


Let templates include expression statements.  Optionally make it invalid
to NOT use these as mixin templates.  This would allow us to convert
things in general from

    //blah blah


mixin Foo!(args)
    //blah blah

Those aforementioned bonus points become much more valuable with this.

void main()
    // etc
    mixin foreachReverse!( "ref elem", someRange )
        elem = someFunc(elem);
        // and so on.

Admittedly I haven't pondered the negative consequences of this
particular change too much.


Bikeshedding: make a mixin operator to complement the keyword.


mixin Foo!(args) { ... }


Foo@(args) { ... }

Now then...

class SomeElementType

        get { ... }
        set { ... }


void main()
    // etc
    foreachReverse@( "ref elem", someRange )
    { = someFunc(elem);
        // and so on.



Also, the CTFE memory leak.  But I'm sure everyone who needs to know
about that already knows and is sick of hearing about it.


That's all I got for now.

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