dynamic classes and duck typing

Walter Bright newshound1 at digitalmars.com
Tue Dec 1 13:43:13 PST 2009

Leandro Lucarella wrote:
>>>>> 5. simple interfacing to C
>>>> In case you mean no unnecessary wrappers etc., this has more to
>>>> do with the execution model than language features. Most
>>>> scripting languages are interpreted, and require some sort of
>>>> assistance from the runtime system. If the language was compiled
>>>> instead, they wouldn't necessarily need those.
>>> In D you need interfacing code too, it can be a little simpler, that's
>>> true.
>> The interfacing in D is nothing more than providing a declaration.
>> There is no code executed.
> Unless you want to pass D strings to C, then you have to execute
> toStringz(), which is a really thin "wrapper", but it's a wrapper. Using
> C from D is (generally) error prone and painful, so I usually end up
> writing more D'ish wrappers to make the D coding more pleasant.

You can also simply use C strings in D, and pass them straight to C 
functions that take void*. No conversion necessary. It isn't any harder 
to ensure a 0 termination in D than it is in C, in fact, it's just the 
same. D string literals even helpfully already have a 0 at the end with 
this in mind!

> It's not safe, and of course, being a dynamic language, you can access
> C code at "compile time" (because there it no compile time), but you can
> interface with C very easily:
>>>> import ctypes
>>>> libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("libc.so.6")
>>>> libc.printf("hello world %i\n", 5)
> hello world 5
> Wow, that was hard! =)

Ok, does this work:

     p = libc.malloc(100);
     *p = 3;

? Or this:

     struct S { int a; char b; };
     S s;

> It's simpler, because you only have one obvious way to do things,

No, Python has try/catch/finally as well.

> in D you
> can use a struct, a scope class or a scope statement to achieve the same.
> Of course that gives you more flexibility, but adds complexity to the
> language. I'm not complaining or saying that D is wrong, I'm just saying
> that Python is a very expressive language without much complexity. I think
> the tradeoff is the speed.

>> Yes, you can emulate RAII with the with statement, but with RAII
>> (objects that destruct when they go out of scope) you can put this
>> behavior in the object rather than explicitly in the code every time
>> you use it. It's more complicated to have to remember to do it every
>> time on use.
> Maybe you are right, but the with statement plays very well with the
> "explicit is better than implicit" of Python :)
> Again, is flexibility vs complexity.

Another principle is abstractions should be in the right place. When the 
abstraction leaks out into the use of the abstraction, it's user code 
complexity. This is a case of that, I believe.

> There are static analyzers for Python:
> http://www.logilab.org/857
> http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/DivmodPyflakes
> http://pychecker.sourceforge.net/

What's happening here is the complexity needed in the language is pushed 
off to third party tools. It didn't go away.

> And again, judging from experience, I don't know why, but I really have
> a very small bug count when using Python. I don't work with huge teams of
> crappy programmers (which I think is the scenario that D tries to cover),
> that can be a reason ;)

Part of that may be experience. The languages I use a lot, I tend to 
generate far fewer bugs with because I've learned to avoid the common 
bugs. There have been very few coding errors in the C++ dialect I use in 
dmd, the errors have been logic ones.

You're right that D has a lot that is intended more for large scale 
projects with a diverse team than one man jobs. There is a lot to 
support enforced encapsulation, checking, and isolation, if that is 
desired. Purity, immutability, contracts, interfaces, etc., are not 
important for small programs.

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