Phobos packages a bit confusing

torhu no at spam.invalid
Tue Dec 1 15:57:57 PST 2009

On 30.11.2009 7:02, retard wrote:
> foreach (line; new Lines!(char) (new File ("foobar.txt")))
>    Cout (line).newline;
> }

To be fair, it's a bit simpler than that in Tango:

foreach (line; new TextFileInput("foobar.txt"))
    Cout (line).newline;

>>  2.  Read a whole file into an array of bytes.
> new File("foobar.bin").read()

This one too:

auto contents = File.get("foobar.bin");

get is a static method in the File class.

But I won't pretend that I think Tango I/O is easy to use.  There's a 
lot of interfaces and classes, and usually several ways to accomplish 
the same thing.  Some classes are just thin wrappers over others, which 
can be confusing.

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