dynamic classes and duck typing

BCS none at anon.com
Wed Dec 2 09:34:28 PST 2009

Hello dsimcha,

> My biggest gripe about static verification is that it can't help you
> at all with high-level logic/algorithmic errors, only lower level
> coding errors.  Good unit tests (and good asserts), on the other hand,
> are invaluable for finding and debugging high-level logic and
> algorithmic errors.

I don't have a link or anything but I remember hearing about a study MS did 
about finding bugs and what they found is that every reasonably effective 
tool they looked at found the same amount of bugs (ok, within shouting distance, 
close enough that none of them could be said to be pointless) but different 
bugs. The way to find the most bugs is to attack it from many angle. If I 
can have a language that can totally prevent one class of bugs in vast swaths 
of code, that's a good thing, even if it does jack for another class of bugs.

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