const ref rvalues

Denis Koroskin 2korden at
Mon Dec 14 12:11:13 PST 2009

On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 21:06:20 +0300, dsimcha <dsimcha at> wrote:

> I mentioned this deep in another thread, but I think it deserves its own
> thread.  Can we get something like:
> void doStuff(T)(const ref T val) {
>     // do stuff.
> }
> T getVal() {
>     return someValue;
> }
> void main() {
>     doStuff(getVal());  // Doesn't currently work.
> }
> For non-const ref parameters, it's understandable that passing rvalues in
> doesn't work because this is likely a bug that the compiler should catch.
> However, for const ref parameters, can't the compiler just implicitly  
> put the
> value on the caller's stack frame and convert it to an lvalue rather than
> forcing the programmer to write the boilerplate to do this manually?   
> This
> would result in:
> doStuff(getVal()); -->
> auto __temp = getVal();
> doStuff(__temp);

I agree it hurts a lot. I faced the same problem implementing RefCounted:  
you can't return RefCounted object from one function and pass it by  
reference to another one. Passing it by value is not a good option.

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