Comma expression as tuple operator [was Tuples, C#, Java, languagedesign]

Joel C. Salomon joelcsalomon at
Wed Dec 30 18:30:14 PST 2009

On 12/30/2009 12:38 AM, BCS wrote:
> Hello grauzone,
>> Why not make the programmer write tuple[$-1] instead?
>> i = (j += i, i*2 + j)[$-1];
>> There's no reason to keep the current comma operator.
> Frankly, while I have no problem with it, I'd also be fine with dumping
> the comma operator all together, even making the [$-1] thing illegal
> ("code has no effect" and all that) but Walter has time and again shot
> down anything that does away with the comma operator so I was looking at
> it as a way to have my cake and eat it to.

Can the comma operator be given a different symbol to use?  How about,
e.g., a double comma:

auto i = 1, 2;	// tuple
auto j = 1,,2;	// sequence operator


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