Tango: Out of Date Installation Instructions

Benji Smith dlanguage at benjismith.net
Sat Feb 21 10:46:48 PST 2009

I just set up a new (Windows) computer, after working with the same 
DMD/Tango/DWin/DSSS installation for the last six or eight months. And 
for the life of me, I can't get my code to compile on the new machine.

The Tango installation instructions seem to be somewhat out of date, 
since they describe installing tango on top of an existing DMD 
installation, while the tango distributions for DMD all include the 
compiler and don't require a pre-existing DMD installation:


Anyhow, the particular error I'm getting when I try to compile my code 
(using "dsss build") is this:

    module FileConduit cannot read file 'tango\io\device\FileConduit.d'

This is my sc.ini file (unmodified from the tango install):

DFLAGS="-I%@P%\..\import" -version=Tango -defaultlib=tango-base-dmd.lib 
-debuglib=tango-base-dmd.lib -L+tango-user-dmd.lib

Since it references the "tango-user-dmd.lib" file, I wonder why it even 
needs to include the FileConduit.d source file. Why doesn't it just use 
the lib?

Much appreciation to anyone who can help get me rolling again! And I'd 
be happy to help rewrite the Tango installation instructions once I 
understand the correct installation procedure.


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