Compiler as dll

BCS ao at
Tue Jan 27 10:03:04 PST 2009

Reply to Sandeep,

> I have been wishing for something similar though for different
> reasons. Often I have code (in C++) that is executed for a large
> amount of data like in stream programming and becomes a major hotspot
> for the application. Think software graphics pipelines. Further, this
> code has lots of branches and since its executed over many elements
> they are essentially branches in inner-loops. The values over which
> they branch are unknown till runtime and the number of combinations of
> the values can be very very high. Here are the basic attempts to solve
> that I'm aware of and the problems with each:

One option you could use under GCC would be to build all the inner control 
structures out of gotos and use goto variables that are set outside the loop. 
I'm not sure how dynamic gotos stack up with conditional jumps but you would 
still avoid the tests.

> Sandeep

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