Give me a break

yigal chripun yigal100 at
Wed Jul 1 10:21:58 PDT 2009

Kagamin Wrote:

> yigal chripun Wrote:
> > there is no defined system for the development of D. even MS has a well defined plan for their .net platform. where's the plan for D? where the process to define that plan? 
> > Either you need to have a plan or you need to have a community driven process (Java JSRs, Python PEPs). 
> How the development plan relates to tango? There's a plan to port tango to D2, though it proved to be troublesome. And I think, tango is supposed to be community driven.

the lack of proper planning relates to everything:
blocking bugs that affect tango for D2, licensing issues - everyone has his own prefered license and there is no central body to manage that (there is a GOOD reason why all GNU code is copyrighted by the FSF), no plan as to what features will be implemented, how and when  (latest example - Bartosz' concurrency design for D which was rejected by Andrei), lack of planning for the standard library user APIs - Andrei rewrote half of phobos - with no regard for integration efforts with tango, and so forth. 

It really doesn't matter how good a programmer Andrei is if there is no consideration for the end user in his code. It doesn't matter how fast a car you can build if it doesn't fit on the standard state roads. 
D feels like patient zero of NIH syndrom where everything is a one man show. no fucking amount of colaboration is even taken into account. 

The only person here that undersands this is Don and nobody listens to him, so fucking what if he needs to copy-paste all his code to support the tango-phobos dichotomy, right? 

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