Oh Dear

bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Sat Jul 11 11:31:57 PDT 2009

Steve Teale:
>D2 should be stabilized<

That will happen in time, but rushing things is very bad. There are some other things to be fixed/done first, like:
- concurrency;
- making D2 fitter for the LLVM back-end;
- fixing the import semantics;
- improving arrays and slices;
- improving operator overloading;
- maybe improving matrices and slices;
- maybe improving the data parallelism.
Plus a lot of smaller details to fix, add or improve. I have surely missed something.

>and D1 deprecated,<

I see no purpose in deprecating D1 in the short term. D1 is simpler than D2, so some people may prefer it. Eventually D1 may vanish, but it doesn't need to be killed on purpose.

>there should be one standard library,<

I don't agree, I'd like to have both Phobos and Tango at the same time, and useful for different purposes, like I have both STL and Boost (among other things, like Qt) installed with the C++ compiler.

>there should be a new linker and object file format,<

Once LDC supports exceptions on Windows I think LDC can slowly become the reference implementation of D1/D2, and it will use a new linker, etc.

>and there should be a change made to the acceptable content of the primary newsgroup (the learn suggestion is the best we have so far).<

I don't fully understand you, but it doesn't sound like a too much hard thing to do.


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