Fun With Generics, Class Templates and Static Ifs

eris jvburnes at
Thu Jun 4 09:35:13 PDT 2009

Greetings D People

I've been building some support code for my new app and decided to take advantage of the generic support available in D.  What follows is my implementation of a generic support class.  It's really the first I've done, so if you could give it a quick once-over I'd appreciate it.  If it's the correct way to implement this, perhaps the D newbies could use it as an example.

Problem: Develop a class that maintains a  ranked list of the top 'n' values.  Write it so that it's easily maintainable in a library and useful for more than one type.  It would be better if the class could track minimum or maximum values with little to no performance impact.


1. Templates can be used to provide type-independent implementations.
2. A template class (and interface) should provide a clean library definition
3. Since ranking behavior for min and max only differs by a single comparison, some sort of template flag should allow the behavior to change at compile-time.


First, a definition of the interface for our library:

public interface Ranker(T) {
	bool submit(T value); // submits value to test for inclusion.  True if in top values, false otherwise
	bool expire(T value);  // removes a current member. False if not present, true otherwise
	T extreme();                // returns the largest magnitude member

Note: Since our interface contains an argument T, the interface is a generic and can be used for any type.

Okay, lets create a class for the implementation:

class Rank(T, A...) : Ranker!(T) {

That's a mouthful.  Let's take it one piece at a time.  

Internally a class template is represented like this:

template Rank(T): {
   class Rank(T)

But the short form for this is:

class Rank(T)

We want our template class to implement the Ranker interface.  We have to make sure that we include the exclamation point when we use our interface template.  Now we have:

class Rank(T): Ranker!(T) 

Almost done, but we need to be able to pass a compile-time flag to our template so it can compile-in the slight change needed to compare against minimums or maximums.  This could probably be implemented using some sort of delegate pattern, but including the proper behavior with a compile-time switch would avoid the possible function call overhead.

So let's try passing a flag to the template at compile time and using the 'static if' inside the critical method to decide which comparison to use (<= or >=).

Here, I'm passing flags to the template using a variadic argument list.  It's indicated by the parameter A followed by an ellipsis (...).  The individual flags passed in this way can be accessed as if A were an array of the arguments passed.

So, let's look at the updated declaration:

class Rank(T, A...) : Ranker!(T) {

I'm going to use the first element of A to indicate what kind of Ranker I want.  If A[0] < 0 then we compile a minimum ranker, else we compile a max ranker.  I'm also going to create an alias so our template is easier to use, like this:

alias Rank!(int, -1) IntMinRank;
alias Rank!(double,  1) DblMaxRank;

(Note: the complete type independence of this class assumes that proper underlying operators have been implemented for comparison etc).

So, a skeleton version of the class looks like this:


public interface Ranker(T) {
	bool submit(T value);	// submits a value of type T to be included in top 'n' values, true if added or already present 
	bool expire(T value);	// removes a previously included value of type T from top 'n' values, false if non-existant
	T extreme();		// returns the value of type T from Ranker which is the current top value

class Rank(T, A...) : Ranker!(T)
	struct RANK {
		T value;
		int occurs;
	RANK members[];
	int len;
	this(int size) {
		auto members = new RANK[size];
		// some other init code
	bool submit(T value) {
		int i;
		// insert loop
		for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
			static if (A[0]>=0) {  // dev wants max ranker
				// test for one of 'n' top values
				if (value <= members[i].value) break;
			else {  // dev wants min ranker
				// test for one of 'n' bottom values
				if (value >= members[i].value) break;
			// rest of insertion logic, return true or false
		return true;
	bool expire(T value) {
		// remove value from list 
		return true;
	T extreme() { return members[len-1].value; }

alias Rank!(int, -1) IntMinRank;
alias Rank!(int, 1) IntMaxRank;
alias Rank!(double, -1) DblMinRank;
alias Rank!(double,  1) DblMaxRank;

int main() {

	auto top32 = new DblMaxRank(32);	// max rank, 32 members 
	auto bottom16 = new IntMinRank(16);	// min rank, 16 members
	return 0;


That should do what I want.  I do have a question for the experienced templaters out there:

Is there any way to parameterize the alias statement so I can pass the type of the generic I want?

In other words, rather than having to create a separate alias for each type create an alias like this:

alias Rank!(T,-1) MinRank(T);
alias Rank!(T, 1) MaxRank(T);

I tried using this form, but I don't think the syntax is valid.



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